Desmond Miles, a bartender kidnapped to serve a crazy experiment named ‘Animus’ to test a device that can simulate the genetic memory. They want to find something from Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad- Desmond’s ancestor who lived in 1191. At first, he had some compatibility issues with the device and was fortunate to overcome it, but that did not mean that Desmond was not in danger. He quickly encountered a synchronization problem. After the malfunction, Desmond escape equipment, and Vidic briefed him about the inner workings of the Animus, before the launch of the program guide.

 Then, Desmond proceeds to enter the Altar’s memories, embarking on adventures, searching for the locations of other pieces of Paradise marked worldwide. Desmond learns that the organization that kidnapped him is related to these things and that they are using him to search for pieces of Paradise. He eventually becomes trapped in the Abstergo lab, causing changes in Animus to create a timeline effect. Can you see strange messages in the future, then wonder what all those images mean and who are their authors?





