Manhunt 2 is a product of a perfect blend of stealth, horror, and psychology. The game also attracts people who prefer the villain through experience gained from Leo Kasper’s perspective instead of just experiencing it from Daniel’s perspective as before. As in the previous version, the mechanism of the game is still to reach the enemy from behind (do not make them detect) and destroy them by using anything such as guns to shoot or phone wires to strangle or simply punch until the enemy dies. 

A new feature in the game is that in sound, you can now use the loud noise around to search and then engulf the enemy based on the principle of sound waves in reality. There will be three levels of execution (i.e., performance) for you to choose: Level 1 (rush) quickly and not bloody, level 2 (Violent) is quite fierce, level 3 (terrible) Extremely gory is very suitable for you to like. Players can also control how much power they use when they have locked the enemy. The network will also be changed color based on the time to indicate the level: level 1 (white), level 2 (yellow ), and level 3 (red). With their eye-catching toys, the live sound of the player experience for Manhunt 2 is significantly increased. This is also the most significant advantage of Manhunt 2 compared to other games using the genre.





